Monday, November 19, 2012
CHEMISTRY, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING: Periodic Table Elements - Roots, Origin, Etymology of Names
Actinium Ac - aktis = ray
Aluminum Al - alumen = substance with astringent taste
Americium Am - America (country or continent)
Antimony Sb - antimonos = opposite to solitude
Argon Ar - argos = inactive
Arsenic As - arsenikon = valiant
Astatine At - astatos = unstable
Barium Ba - barys = heavy
Berkelium Bk - Berkeley (University of California)
Beryllium Be - beryllos = a mineral
Bismuth Bi - bisemutum = white mass
Boron B - bawraq = white, borax
Bromine Br - bromos = stink, stench
Cadmium Cd - cadmia = calamine, a zinc ore
Calcium Ca - calcis = lime
Californium Cf - State and University of California
Carbon C - carbo = coal
Cerium Ce - Ceres = the asteriod
Cesium Cs - caesius = sky blue
Chlorine Cl - chloros = grass green
Chromium Cr - chroma = color
Cobalt Co - kobolos = a goblin
Copper Cu - cuprum = copper
Curium Cm - Marie & Pierre Curie (French physicists)
Dysprosium Dy - dysprositos = hard to get at, difficult to access, hard to obtain, rare earth
Einsteinium Es - Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist)
Erbium Er - Ytterby = town in Sweden where it was discovered
Europium Eu - Europe (continent)
Fermium Fm - Enrico Fermi (Italian physicist)
Fluorine F - fluere = to flow
Francium Fr - France (country)
Gadolinium Gd - Johan Gadolin (Finnish chemist)
Gallium Ga - Gaul (historic France)
Germanium Ge - Germany (country)
Gold Au - aurum (Anglo-Saxon, Latin "gold")
Hafnium Hf - Hafnia (city of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Helium He - helios = sun
Holmium Ho - Holmia (city of Stockholm, Sweden)
Hydrogen H - "hydro genes" = water former
Indium In - indicum = indigo spectrum line
Iodine I - iodes = violet spectrum line
Iridium Ir - iridis = rainbow
Iron Fe - Anglo Saxon "iren", Latin "ferrum"
Krypton Kr - kryptos = hidden
Lanthanum La - lanthanien = to be concealed
Lawrencium Lw - Earnest Lawrence (American nuclear physicist, writer, inventor of cyclotron)
Lead Pb - Anglo Saxon lead, Latin plumbum
Lithium Li - lithos = stone
Lutetium Lu - Lutetia = ancient name of Paris, France
Magnesium Mg - magnes = magnet
Mendelevium Md - Dmitri Mendeleev (Russian chemist and inventor, devised periodic table)
Mercury Hg - Mercury, messenger of the gods (mythology) ; "hydrarygus" = liquid silver
Molybdenum Mo - molybdos = lead
Neodymium Nd - from two Greek words: neos = new; didymos = twin
Neon Ne - neos = new
Neptunium Np - named after the planet Neptune
Nickel Ni - from German "kupfernickel", false copper
Niobium Nb - Niobe = mythological daughter of Tantalus (Greek mythology)
Nitrogen N - from two Latin words: nitro = native soda; gen = born
Nobelium No - Alfred Nobel (Swedish chemist, engineer, innovator, armaments manufacturer and the inventor of dynamite)
Osmium Os - Greek: osme = odor of volatile tetroxide
Oxygen O - from two Greek words: "oxys" = sharp; "gen" = born
Palladium Pd - named after the planetoid Pallas
Phosphorus P - phosphoros = light bringer
Platinum Pt - from Spanish "plata", meaning silver
Plutonium Pu - named after the planet Pluto
Polonium Po - Poland (country of Marie Curie, co-discoverer of the element)
Potassium K - Latin "kalium", English potash
Praseodymium Pr - from Greek: Praseos = leek green; didymos = twin
Promethium Pm - Prometheus = fire bringer (Greek mythology)
Protactinium Pa - protos = first
Radium Ra - Latin "radius" = ray
Radon Rn - from Radium (the element Radon is formed by radioactive decay of radium)
Rhenium Re - Rhenus = Rhine province of Germany
Rhodium Rh - rhodon = a rose
Rubidium Rb - rubidus = red
Ruthenium Ru - Ruthenia (Latinized form of Russia) = region of western Ukraine south of the Carpathian Mountains
Samarium Sm - Vasili Samarski-Bykhovets, a Russian mining engineer
Scandium Sc - Scandinavia
Selenium Se - selene = moon
Silicon Si - silex = flint
Silver Ag - Latin "argentum", Anglo-Saxon, siolful
Sodium Na - Latin "natrium"; "sodanum" = cure for headaches
Strontium Sr - town of Strontian, Scotland
Sulfur S - Latin: sulphur, sulpur, sulfur = brimstone
Tantalum Ta - Tantalus (Greek mythology)
Technetium Tc - technetos = artificial
Tellurium Te - tellus = the earth
Terbium Tb - Ytterby (town in Sweden)
Thallium Tl - thallos = young shoot
Thorium Th - Thor (Scandinavian mythology)
Thulium Tm - Thule = northern part of habitable world
Tin Sn - Latin "stannum", Tinia (Etruscan god)
Titanium Ti - Titans (Greek mythology: The Titans were the first sons of the earth)
Tungsten W - symbol from German "worfram"; from Swedish: "tung sten" meaning heavy stone
Uranium U - named from the planet Uranus
Vanadium V - Vanadis (goddess of Scandinavian mythology)
Xenon Xe - from Greek "xenos" = strange
Ytterbium Yb - Scandinavian: Ytterby (a town in Sweden)
Yttrium Y - Scandinavian: Ytterby (town in Sweden)
Zinc Zn - German "zink", "zinn" meaning tin
Zirconium Zr - zircon = mineral
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