Monday, October 6, 2014

Lowest & Highest Annual Membership Dues - Professional Engineers Canada

2014 Annual Dues: Canadian Provincial And Territorial Engineering Associations


Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (APEGBC)

Professional Engineer or Professional Geoscientist:
 Registered Member Practising or Non - Practising - $362.25
 Reduced Fee based on Active Income Level - $126.00
 Medically Unfit to Work (Non-Practising Status) - $0.00 (free)

Engineer-in-Training or Geoscientist-in-Training:
 Full Fees - $195.30
 Reduced Fee based on Active Income Level - $126.00
 Medically Unfit to Work - $0.00 (Free)


Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA)

Professional Members - $290.00 +GST
Foreign Licensee - $435.00 +GST
Member-In-Training - $145.00 +GST
Exam Candidates/Students - $145.00 +GST
Professional Licensee - $290.00 +GST
Professional Members registered in another province and in the Canadian Armed Forces - $30.00 +GST


Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of the Province of Manitoba (APEGM)

Admission Fee: (New applications only) - $125.00
P.Eng./P.Geo. Practising: $360.00
P.Eng./P.Geo. Deferred Dues: $180.00
P.Eng./P.Geo. Retired: $110.00
MIT Dues: $180.00 (Member-in-Training (MIT) Pre-Registration Program)
MIT Deferred Dues: $90.00
Late Payment Fee: $52.50


Engineers and Geoscientists New Brunswick

P.Eng./P.Geo.- $293.80 (HST included)
Retired P.Eng./P.Geo. - $73.45
Engineer/Geoscientist-in-Training - $73.45
NB Firms - $293.80
Outside NB Firms - $587.60

Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS)

Annual Membership Fee + Annual Licence Fee = Total Annual Due

Member-in-Training (engineer-in-training or geoscientist-in-training):
$85 + $265 = $350

Professional Member2 (professional engineer or professional geoscientist):
$85 + $365 = $450

Engineering Licensee / Geoscience Licensee:
$85 + $365 = $450

Temporary Licensee:
$0 + $450 = $450

Permission to Consult:
No fee

Certificate of Authorization – 1 to 5 professional members employed with the company:

Certificate of Authorization – 6 or more professional members employed with the company:


Engineers Nova Scotia

Annual Dues in CAD $: HST/GST (15%) not included
Engineer-in-Training (EIT) - 115.00
Full Member (P.Eng) - 255.00
Retired Non-Practicing - 127.50
Stricken Reinstatement - 255.00
Company - 326.00
Sole Proprietorship - 81.50


Engineers PEI

Dues and Fees for Members:
 Registration Fee - $50.00 (non recurring)
 Annual Dues - $300.00
 Member Stamp - $30.00


Association of Professional Engineers of Yukon (APEY)

Fees (including GST):
One-time Application Fee (all applicants) - $78.75
Limited Licence Application Fee (deposit only, actual fees will be invoiced) - $2,625.00
National Professional Practice Examination Fee (NPPE) - $140.00
Examination of Credentials - $310.00
Professional Engineer and L.L. Eng. Annual Membership Dues - $252.00
Engineer-in-Training Annual Membership Dues - $76.13
Professional Engineer Stamp Fee (must submit a stamp order form) - $45.00
National Secondary Professional Liability insurance - $10.50


Northwest Territories and Nunavut Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists (NAPEG)

Annual Dues:
Member-in-Training - $105.00
Member/Licensee - $357.00
Non-Practicing Member/Licensee - $147.00
Permit to Practice - $409.50


Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ)

Retired engineer - $185.18
Permanently disabled engineer - $172.81


Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Newfoundland and Labrador (PEGNL)

All Fees Include 13% HST:
Application/Transfer Fee (non-refundable) - $248.60 
Annual Dues Professional Engineer or Professional Geoscientist - $278.43 
Annual Dues Life Membership - Voluntary 
Annual Dues Member-in-Training - $139.22 
Annual Dues Permit to Practice (1 discipline) - $637.32 
Annual Dues Permit to Practice (2 disciplines) - $863.32 
Annual Dues Permit to Practice (3+ disciplines) - $1165.03 
Professional Seal (For Professional Member or Company Permit to Practice) - $62.15

Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO)

PEO Fees (July 1, 2010) Fees including HST(13%): 
Application Fee - $339.00
Registration Fee (when applicant is approved as P.Eng) - $282.50
Engineer-in-Training (EIT, applicant accumulating required work experience) - $84.75
P.Eng. Licence annual fee - $248.60
Temporary Licence (non-Ontario licensed engineers to practise in Ontario) - $734.50
Provisional Licence (completed all requirements except 12 months Canadian experience) - $282.50
Limited Licence (completed required experience but insufficient qualification) - $339.00
Certificate of Authorization (to provide engineering services to the public) - $372.90
Certificate of Authorization Annual fee - $372.90
Certificate of Authorization Replacement - $56.50
Consulting Engineer Designation (qualified engineers for independent practice) - $248.60
Consulting Engineer Designation Examination (if required) - $165.00
Consulting Engineer Designation Designation Fee - $248.60
Consulting Engineer Designation Application for Redesignation - $248.60
Consulting Engineer Designation (companies offering engineering services) - $50.85
Examinations (Professional Practice Exam, PPE on ethics, professional practice, law and liability) - $165.00
Technical Examinations (those with bachelor’s degree from non-accredited Canadian university) - $580.00 first exam
Technical Examinations - $165.00 additional exams
Submission of Thesis - $300.00


Notes: Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Manitoba (APEGM)

Late Payment Fee: $52.50

Deferred Dues:
- break from practice because of injury, maternity leave, becoming a full-time student, or other extenuating circumstances
- half of normal fees
- if deferred dues for more than 4 years, re-apply to return to practice

Retired Status:
- practising Members who will not be practising engineering or geoscience any more can transfer to the 'Retired' status
- allows them to keep their vote, certificate, insurance, and P.Eng. or P.Geo. suffix
- must return their seal

Life Membership:
- Members who are over 70 years of age and have been a Professional Member for over 30 years are eligible for Life Membership
- not pay dues
- not allowed to practice
- can keep their vote and other rights

'Honorary Life Membership':
- awarded by APEGM to currently practising members
- not pay dues
- allowed to continue practising as engineers or geoscientists


Lowest Annual Membership Dues: $248.60 Ontario; $255.00 Nova Scotia

Highest Annual Membership Dues: $453.98 Quebec

2nd Highest Annual Membership Dues: $450 Saskatchewan

3rd Highest Annual Membership Dues: $362.25 British Columbia

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